
Who We Are

We are a team of healthcare professionals who feel that while traditional education pathways offer numerous benefits, they mostly prepare individuals for a transactional approach in life; the primary focus in college and university is on teaching students skills oriented towards entering and succeeding in the job market. While this is important, key skills in life relating to becoming emotionally intelligent, socially aware, managing stress, persuading others and flourishing in life are mostly missing from even some of the best institutions. Our purpose in establishing the Elation Institute is to address this gap and teach these vital skills to people through a comprehensive suite of onsite and online courses.

What We Do

We empower individuals with evidence-based strategies in positive psychology, social intelligence, emotional intelligence, persuasion psychology, and mindfulness. Through positive psychology, participants learn the science and art of the flourishing life, Social Intelligence involves strategies that help people thrive in the social world, emotional intelligence focuses on teaching individuals how to use their emotions to further their self-awareness, self-control, and motivation. Persuasion psychology involves training participants in the science of influence and persuasion skills and mindfulness involves helping individuals learn specific techniques to ground themselves, enjoy life in the moment, and build their resilience.

How We Do It

We offer onsite workshops, online certificate courses and custom oriented corporate training courses in positive psychology, emotional intelligence, mindfulness, social intelligence and persuasion psychology. Our workshops and online courses are interactive with videos, exercises, role plays and other interesting activities. Our training courses provide participants with a memorable learning experience that includes applying theoretical knowledge in real world settings. To this end, participants practice newly learnt skills in a simulated environment and then apply these skills in home, office and community settings. The courses also encourage social interaction, mentorship, networking and collaboration opportunities.

The ELATE Wellbeing Programme

The ELATE wellbeing model is predicated on research that has shown that the ELATE core domains are strongly associated with better health, positive social relationships, higher self esteem, enhanced self confidence, greater compassion, empathy and wellbeing in life. We believe that through learning and regularly practicing key skills from the ELATE program, people can significantly enhance their positive emotion, social relationships, accomplishments and wellbeing in life enabling them to live truly flourishing lives.

Adi Khan

Adi is the founder and CEO of the Elation Institute. He has been involved in facilitating leadership and wellbeing training courses for more than twenty years and has trained over 4000 individuals across 9 countries. Adi has a Doctorate in Education specialising in Organizational Leadership, he is also a Board-certified Behaviour analyst (BCBA) and a registered psychologist in New Zealand. Adi developed the ELATE programme. He has conducted ELATE workshops in USA, New Zealand, UAE and Australia. He is presently working on a book titled, “The ELATE protocol.”

Live Truly Flourishing Life